Opay's Roadmap: Reflecting on an Outstanding 2023, Planning for a Revolutionary 2024.
Opay's Roadmap: Reflecting on an Outstanding 2023, Planning for a Revolutionary 2024.
CEO, Mr. Dauda Gotring, reveals OPay's commitment to cutting-edge technology, fmancial inclusion, and social impact. Get ready for the tip of the iceberg of what is to come.
- CSR scholarship initiatives are aimed at empowering young individuals through the provision of long-term educational scholarships to secondary and tertiary institutions nationwide, including upcoming internship programs. Unilag, prepare for the commencement of these impactful initiatives!
- An upgraded security feature allowing users to promptly block their cards and bank accounts in the event of compromise, theft, or loss.
- A resilient in-app customer service innovation boasting a team of over 500 experts, ensuring prompt assistance and support for users.
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